Salon Policies
Terms and conditions
Release Form
At the start of your first appointment you will be given a general release form to fill out and sign. This form protects me and your dog in case of any incidents. This form is Required for all new bath and haircut clients. If you refuse to sign the realease form your dog will have to be taken elsewhere. If you have sent someone to drop your dog off for their appointment that person will be required to fill out the release form on your behalf.
Late Policy
If you arrive late the corresponding fee will be added.
15 minutes past appointment time; $10 fee
20 minutes past appontment time; $15 fee
24-29 minutes past appointment time; $20 fee
30 minutes past appointment time; your appointment is Cancelled
If you are late your appointment may lead into the next, if this happens your dog will be kenneled until I can return to it at a later time.
Pick Up\Drop Off
You will be texted as soon as your dog is done.
If you have not picked up:
- At 40 minutes you will recieve a phone call, if there was no response to the text.
- At 1 hour you will be charged a $10 fee.
- An additional $10 will be added every 20 minutes until you pick up.
I can usually allow drop off up to 20 minutes early, but please let me know if you need to drop off early.
Due to the volume of appointments I cannot guarantee your dog a potty break, please make sure to walk them before their appointment.
Sick Dogs Policy
Dogs that show symptoms of illness such as persistant cough, vomitting, diarrhea, bloody stool, ect. within one week before their appointment Must reschedule thier appointment for the safety of other dogs.
If a dog is dropped off showing symptoms of illness you will be called for IMMEDIATE pickup and charged the FULL amount of your dogs appointment without any services rendered.
Bringing a sick dog to their grooming appointment will put all other animals that enter the room at risk. If you think your dog has been exposed to another sick dog, regardless of symptoms or illness, please reschedule their appointment.
Dog Size/Breed Limits
At Bubbly Merlyn All Breeds Are Welcome! However for the saftey of the dogs, my equipment, and myself:
Some Dogs Over 95 lbs will not be bathed - My tub cannot hold some dogs this large.
Some Dog Under 5 lbs will not get a haircut - dogs this small have greater risk of being cut.
Please Call if you have a dog under 5lbs or over 95lbs. An In Person Decision may need to be made in order for me to take dogs of these sizes.
Unsatisfied/ Complaint Policy
If at the end of your appointment you are unsatisfied or have an issue with something you have 2 days after your appointment to notify me and I will do what I can to rectify the situation up to and including, rebathing, additional trimming, length shortening, or brushing at little to no additional charge. Please note, in some circumstances i.e. puppies, aggressive dogs, elderly dogs, or medical conditions, there may be nothing more I can do.
Refund Policy
Every part of your appointment is covered with you at the time of drop off. If you are unhappy with the results a refund Will Not be issued. If your pet was injured your bill will be discounted accordingly by me. Grooming carries risk and although the utmost care is taken with your pet if injury needing vet assesment/treatment occurs all charges are yours and yours alone to cover.
Pre-existing Conditions or injuries: Report Card
In the event that a pre-existing injury or condition is discovered a report card with all comments will be filled out, given and explained at the end of your appointment. If the condition worsens you are encouraged to take the report card to your vet. The report card is not to be used as a stand in for a vet appointment. If an injury or condition occurs during the grooming appointment a report card with all details will be filled out. Bubbly Merlyn is not responsible for any injury or development of any condition post your grooming appointment.
Muzzling is an additional charge and will be done whenever necessary at the owners expense. Dogs needing mild sedatives must be given the medication before their appointment by you. Dogs needing sedation will have to see a vet.
Aggressive Dogs
If your dog is aggressive or has behavior problems you must tell me during booking so I can plan accordingly. An additional release form must be signed for any dog that is aggressive or may need to be muzzled. Extremely Agressive Dogs may be sent home incomplete, at which point partial of your bill will still be due to cover any work that was done.
If fleas are found on you dog during their appoinment they will be given a flea bath, No Exceptions. This is for the safety of the salon and all animals that come through it.
Ticks will be removed if they are found. However, if a tick is attached and a red ring has formed around the bite, the tick will not be removed and you will be encouraged to see a vet.
Anal Glands
Anal glands are done only uppon request, they are not an additional charge. Glands should express without the need for excessive force. If anal glands do not express without applying too much force, causing pain or need to be done internally they will not be expressed and your dog will need to see a vet. Anal glands will not be done for any dog that is agressive, needing muzzling, or on sedatives.
Prescription Medication or Shampoo
Any and all medications your dog may need during their appointment are to be given by you before hand. If your dog has prescription shampoo please bring it to be used during the bath. If your dogs shampoo is not prescription please do not bring it, it Will Not be used - this includes vet recommended but not prescription.
Severe Matting
A matted coat can be a serious health and safety concern; therefore, Dogs who are severely matted will have their coats shaved off before their bath. If your dogs coat is matted, I wil notify you, if the appointment proceeds the coat will be shaved.
If your dog needs to be shaved, but you refuse to let me, your dog will not be groomed by me.
If your dogs coat is severely matted you will not be allowed to schedule a bath only, a matted coat must be removed in order for the skin and hair to be washed and dried properly.
Attempting to brush out a matted coat is Dangerous, Painful, Inhumane and will not be done at Bubbly Merlyn.
You will not be issued a refund or discount if your dog had to be shaved due to matting.
Puppy Pricing
Puppy appointments for dogs 6 months and younger are designed to desensitize your puppy to the sounds and processes of grooming. Most puppies this young cannot be given a haircut for their first appointment. Some puppies will need multiple puppy appointments before a haircut can be given for their safety. Once a puppy can be fully groomed their price will increase varyingly at each appointment. Your puppy will likely grow faster than they need to be groomed so Please Note: Your Dog May Be Full Grown But Not At Full Price. your price will continue to rise until they have reached the correct price for the breed, size, coat and cut your dog gets. Many dogs do not finish growing until 1-2 years of age, there may be an additional price increase once your dog is full grown.
Payment/ Late Payment Policy
Payment is due at the time of service by the end of your appointment.
Payment can be made via;
Card - $3 fee for totals under $50
I Do Not Accept Venmo, Paypal, or Cashapp Payments
If payment is not made at pick up you have 24 hours to pay in full or $10 will be added for every day late. After 5 days late you will be refused any future appointments until payment is made in full including all fees.
*Check payments that do not clear, will be required to pay by different means and be charged the full cost of the groom as well as any bank fees. Should you then choose to pay this charge via card you will be charged an additional $3 fee.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Bubbly Merlyn has zero tolerance for any policy violation, slander or disrespect of myself or my business. Any sign of doing so will result in the termination of all appointments and the refusal of any services.
*Bubbly Merlyn reserves the right to add, adjust, edit, or remove any policy at any time*