Services & Prices
Groom and Bath rates are subject to change at any time depending on dogs coat condition, temperament, or changes to style or services.
Price Ranges listed below are estimates and may not reflect actual price at appointment. Please call or text for more accurate price estimates.
Service includes; bath, full haircut, ear cleaning, nail trim
Prices vary by breed, weight of dog, style of groom, and coat condition
XS-S Dogs: $50-$65MED Dogs: $65-$85LRG Dogs: $85-$100XL Dogs: Call For Estimate
Bath, Blow Dry & Brush
Service includes; bath, nail trim, ear cleaning, light brushing
Prices vary by breed, weight of dog and volume of hair
XS-S Dogs: $35-$50MED Dogs: $50-$75LRG Dogs: $75-$90XL Dogs: Call For Estimate
Puppy Appointment
$40 for Puppies 6 months or younger
Service Includes; bath, nail trim, ear cleaning,
Light Face and Feet trimming Only!
Nail Trim
Nail Grind
Only $5 when coupled with groom or bath.
Teeth Brushing
Starting at $10.
Varies by volume of hair
Light Coat Trimming
Full Outline Trim